CampJS is organised by a large group of volunteers. Where privacy is not an issue, everything is organised in public in the Github issues.
If you would like to volunteer, you don’t have to ask permission, just jump in. However if you’re unsure, message one or many of us privately. We are happy to help.
During CampJS, you’ll also find emergency contact numbers on your nametag.
Get involved
Even though CampJS has been around for a few years, we are still figuring things out.
- Issue tracker: We organise as much of CampJS in the open as possible on Github issues.
- Slack: We have a Slack chat on WeAllJS which you can get access to with the command
/join-private #campjs
Volunteer for the weekend
We always need volunteers through the weekend.
If you want to volunteer but don’t know where to start, the best place is to fill out the volunteer form. We can get in touch to let you know what kind of jobs you can do.